Department Kunstwissenschaften

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WORKSHOP: Roboethics in Film

An interdisciplinary workshop organized by the Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies LMU and the Institute for Theater Studies LMU

21.02.2014 – 22.02.2014

plakat roboethics in film

  • Date: February 21st and 22nd 2014
  • Venue: Institut für Theaterwissenschaft
                Georgenstraße 11, room 009
                and ARRI Kino, Türkenstraße 91

In an interdisciplinary workshop the research group from the LMU Munich wants to investigate how robots are dealt with in films. Where ever robots appear, ethical questions arise immediately: What is a robot’s identity? How can they become human? Do they possess a status as persons and individuals? Does the cyborg present a serious threat to a classical humanist understanding of mankind and is this to be feared or wished for?

The workshop is to take place at the LMU Munich, Georgenstr. 11, Room 009 on february 21st and 22nd 2014. On Saturday 22nd of february at 11.30 a.m. there will be a screening of Blade Runner at the ARRI cinema, with a short introduction by Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin.

Attendance to the workshop is free. A previous notice of attendance would be appreciated:

For further information please contact: Dr. Fiorella Battaglia or Dr. Nathalie Weidenfeld
